Transform your educational institution
Our online assessment platform is designed to help schools train and assess their students easily and effectively. In our Whitepaper you can discover the incredible advantages of Pedagoo.
Recruitment solutions
Are you looking for new IT talent for your company?
With Pedagoo you can evaluate a candidate’s tech knowledge using the MeasureUp catalog, with 25,000 questions already available for the most requested technologies, saving time and money.
Certification bodies
Boost your certification processes
Boost your certification processes. Pedagoo enables organizations to create exams from scratch and score them much faster, while candidates can prepare with exam simulations. Find out more in our Whitepaper.
Corporate training
Increase the productivity of your employees
With Pedagoo you can detect the training needs of your employees, and establish continuous and fully adapted learning plans. Download our whitepaper and discover how to transform your organization.
Transform your educational institution
Our online assessment platform is designed to help schools train and assess their students easily and effectively. In our Whitepaper you can discover the incredible advantages of Pedagoo.
Recruitment solutions
Are you looking for new IT talent for your company?
With Pedagoo you can evaluate a candidate’s tech knowledge using the MeasureUp catalog, with 25,000 questions already available for the most requested technologies, saving time and money.
Certification bodies
Boost your certification processes
Boost your certification processes. Pedagoo enables organizations to create exams from scratch and score them much faster, while candidates can prepare with exam simulations. Find out more in our Whitepaper.
Corporate training
Increase the productivity of your employees
With Pedagoo you can detect the training needs of your employees, and establish continuous and fully adapted learning plans. Download our whitepaper and discover how to transform your organization.